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Hey everyone! My name is Sofie Stillman, I'm currently a senior at Methacton High School. Growing up, I was really the only artistic kid in any of my classes. I would do my little sketches and people would marvel but they never really understood the point of it. Taking AP Studio Art this year has exposed me to so many art styles other than my own. It means something different to every individual and it's so inspirational seeing people channel their inner thoughts and experiences in order to create something truly beautiful. Art has always been something that I enjoyed, it's a great outlet for me and my crazy, perfectionist self. Most of my pieces don't have super deep meanings behind them but each and every one of them reflects a tiny piece of my life, whether it includes someone I cherish, somewhere I've traveled, or even a favorite color of mine. 


If you're interested in seeing my resume click the link below


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